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Розробник: Add-doc IT SL
0.99 USD

scanAdoc is a document scanning solution, featuring frame detection and image optimization, to generate clear and readable documents.

scanAdoc allows you to scan documents and export them to the apps installed on your device, as if they had been generated with a scanner or an MFP.

Working with scanAdoc is easy and intuitive. You can scan documents made of one or more pages, rescan a specific page in case of error, or even rescan the whole document to achieve an optimal result.

Additionally, scanAdoc automatically frames and cut the documents even before their capture for a perfect result, even when scanning screwed or rotated documents, such as book pages.

From scanAdoc, you can export the scanned documents in the most common formats (JPG, TIFF and PDF), in color, gray scale or binarized (in B&W, to enhance the text readability).

This Express version is totally functional, with no restrictions. It does not require you to sign in nor to connect to the Internet.

scanAdoc is available in a Pro version, adapted and integrated to your company’s needs. It offers, among other features:
- Advanced configuration options;
- Scanning profiles to automatically set: the number of pages, the export format, color and target app, etc.;
- Integration with your company environment (CRM, ERP, etc.);
- Access control and advanced security features in export;
- Optical character recognition (OCR) and barcodes reading.

For more info, please contact us by email to [email protected]